Miracles your belly button can do

  1. Apply neem oil on your belly bottom to get rid of pimples.
  2. Apply almond oil on your belly bottom to glow your face.
  3. Apply mustard oil on your belly bottom to get rid of cracked lips.
  4. Apply olive oil or coconut oil on your belly bottom to improve your fertility.
  5. Keep alcohol dipped cotton on your belly bottom to get rid of cold, flu and running nose.
  6. Keep brandy dipped cotton on your belly bottom to ease menstrual pain or cramps.
  7. Apply pure clarified butter made from cow milk on your belly bottom to soften the skin.
  8. Apply lemon oil on your belly bottom to get rid of face pigmentation.
  9. Apply neem oil on your belly bottom to get rid of white spot on face.

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